Replication Guide 2 - Windows 10 and SQL Server 2016 CTP 2.2 issue - the fix

Tested against SQL Server 2016 CTP2.2 (re-released version) installed under a local account

select @@VERSION gives the following

Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (CTP2.2) – 13.0.407.1 (X64)   Jul 22 2015 21:19:11   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation  Enterprise Evaluation Edition (64-bit) on Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 6.3  (Build 10162: ) (Hypervisor)

A fresh install of SQL Server 2016 CTP 2.2 (re-released version) errors when creating the distributor on the final step to start SQL Server Agent with

We enable "Agent XP"s with sp_configure

We manually start the SQL Server Agent and create a subscription using snapshot replication

We find that the user we defined to be the adminstrator does not have access to the snapshot folder!

It is the repldata part of the path which is the first part of the path where our SQL Server Administrator does not have access

We use File Explorer and grant the required privileges