DB2 10.5 Fixpack 5 New Features - 29 March 2015 23:27

0. Contents

1. Product packaging and licensing enhancements

1.1. New addons to product editions

The following new DB2 offerings are available as add-ons to different DB2 product editions

The DB2 Editions are

The features of the various new add-on offerings are:

1.2. New Purescale licensing option

For Purescale with DB2 Advanced Enterprise Server Edition or DB2 Advanced Workgroup Server Edition

If your DB2 pureScale configuration contains a member that is used only for administrative or

failover purposes, licensing requirements for this administrative member can be reduced.

See License Information documents

2. DB2 native encryption

Native database encryption (encryption at rest) with no application or schema changes

Included by default in:

Available for purchase in:

Encryption works via a Database Encryption Key (DEK) which is stored and managed by the database

The Database Encryption Key (DEK) is protected via a Master Key, encrypted master keys are stored outside the database in a PKCS#12-compliant keystore and the keystore is protected via a password.

A DB2 instance is associated with 1 keystore via the keystore_type and keystore_location database manager configuration parameters

The keystore password (in obfuscated form) can be stashed to a file which is owned by the instance owner, this allows the DB2 instance to be started without manual intervention. If the password is not stashed, you cannot access an encrypted database until you provide the keystore password.

Database backup images are automatically encrypted if the encrlib and encropts database configuration parameters are set to a non-null value. The encrypted master key encrypts the backup DEK by default. For non-encrypted databases you can also use the gsk8capicmd command to add a seperate master key to the keystore and specify that label on the BACKUP DATABASE command.

The CREATE DATABASE command now includes an ENCRYPT option which includes

To encrypt a database


First update environment to add gsk8capicmd/gsk8capicmd64 to PATH

E.g. on Linux
su - db2inst1
echo "AddRemoveString PATH /opt/ibm/db2/V10.5.0.5/gskit/bin a" >> ${INSTHOME?}/sqllib/userprofile
cat ${INSTHOME?}/sqllib/userprofile
AddRemoveString PATH /opt/ibm/db2/V10.5.0.5/gskit/bin a

Backup encryption

This is either enabled via:

3. Column-organized tables enhancements

3.1. Additional operating systems

Column-organized tables are now supported on

4. HADR enhancements

4.1. BLU+HADR on Windows

DB2 BLU and HADR are now supported on Windows

4.2. IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms Version 4.1

IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms Version 4.1 is now supported with HADR

5. Purescale enhancements

5.1. Geographically dispersed DB2 pureScale cluster

Geographically dispersed DB2 pureScale cluster are now supported on any x64 Intel compatible rack mounted server

which supports these Ethernet RoCE adapters:

5.2. Cluster caching facility (CF) self-tuning memory

Cluster caching facility (CF) self-tuning memory can now be explicitly enabled to

help optimize performance and avoid out of memory conditions.

CF self-tuning memory is enabled by setting registry variable DB2_DATABASE_CF_MEMORY to AUTO.

When enabled, CF self-tuning memory avoids out of memory conditions by tuning database memory parameters

cf_db_mem_sz, cf_gbp_sz, cf_lock_sz, and cf_sca_sz.

CF memory is shared by these parameters. The values of these four database memory parameters are interdependent.

In a multiple database environment, CF memory is configured automatically based on workload and available memory.

Databases that are already active automatically give up CF memory for newly activated databases until a workload-based

distribution of CF memory is reached.

When a database is added, there is no downtime to reconfigure CF memory allocation.

6. Application interface enhancements

6.1. CLI Driver Enhancements

6.2. IBM Data Server Provider for .NET Enhancements

6.3. Client information IBM data server driver configuration keywords with embedded SQL applications

See Use of the db2dsdriver.cfg configuration file by embedded SQL applications

7. Miscellaneous enhancements

7.1. Scalar UDF exeuction improved with column-organized tables

This enhancement can be particularly beneficial when scalar UDFs that

meet the following criteria are included in the predicate of a query.

7.2. Exclusive access provided for 1 or more network cards per member

One or more network interface cards (NICs) can now be specified through which a DB2 member can acquire exclusive access to a specific port.

NICs can be specified by IP address or by the host name that maps to that address in the nicbinding.cfg file

When a DB2 member starts, it attempts to acquire exclusive access to a specific port on all NICs on the host, any other DB2 instance on the same host must be configured to use a different port to service remote clients or drivers.

Starting in Version 10.5 Fix Pack 5, you can specify one or more NICs through which a DB2 member can acquire exclusive access to a specific port, thereby avoiding contention for the same port number.

This can be done for a subset of members

You can specify a particular NIC by its IP address or by the host name that maps to that address in the nicbinding.cfg file, which you can find in the ~/sqllib/cfg directory (or the ~/sqllib_shared/cfg directory in DB2 pureScale® environments).

To specify multiple NICs, use a multihomed host name that maps to the IP addresses for those NICs.

If the specified port on a specified NIC is already owned by another DB2 instance, or the specified host name or IP address does not represent any valid NIC on the host, the pairing is considered invalid, and SQL5043N is returned when the DB2 member starts.

Add binding information to the nicbinding.cfg file. Each line in the configuration file represents a binding between a single DB2 member and its NIC.

Here all 3 members are bound to specific NICs:

2 host1.newyork.mycompany.com

Here member 2 is not bound to a NIC so will bind to all NICs on the host:

0 host1
1 host2.chicago.mycompany.com

Multi-homed hostnames can be used to bind to mulitple NICs:

0 host67m1 # Multi-homed address -> 3 NICs
3 host68m1 # Multi-homed address -> 2 NICs
6  # IP address -> 1 NIC

MON_GET_INSTANCE table function can be used to get NIC binding information:

  "select MEMBER,
     from table(MON_GET_INSTANCE(-2))"

------ --------------------
     1 host67e1  

7.3. db2cli Enhancements

7.3.1. IBM data server driver configuration file with LDAP catalog entries

The IBM data server driver configuration file (db2dsdriver.cfg) can be configured with information from LDAP catalog entries using the -refreshldap option

See db2cli - DB2 interactive CLI command

7.3.2. LDAP catalog entries to register DSNs with Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager

LDAP catalog entries can be used to register data source names (DSNs) in the Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager

with the -includeldap option.

See db2cli - DB2 interactive CLI command

7.3.3. IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) Version 4.1 on supported AIX operating systems

IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) Version 4.1 is now supported on supported AIX environments

7.3.4. User IDs and group IDs can now be up to 128 bytes on Linux and UNIX operating systems

User IDs and group IDs can now be up to 128 bytes on Linux and UNIX operating systems, this is increased from 8 characters in previous versions

Any operating system level naming restrictions still apply